Find Peace During Your Day With Positive Affirmations

Before the turn of the new year I told myself that 2016 is going to be a period of self discovery and healing. I plan on projecting and promoting positivity and happiness in my life and to those around me in an effort to keep peace in my life. So to start I’d like to share some key components I have utilized in the beginning stages of my journey. Nothing is more helpful on the path towards an amazing day like setting your intentions and goals for the next 24 hours. Personally, I do this by incorporating daily affirmations into my morning routine. Anything from inspirational quotes to mantras can be used to help you set your intentions towards creating a productive and positive day. Adding something like daily affirmations to your routine can help create a sense of calm for yourself and add focus to your life. Morning is the best time to recite or view daily inspiration for me but that doesn’t mean it’s the only possibility; always do what is best for your schedule.

For those who may have trouble finding dedicated time during the day for daily affirmations I have another option to consider. I work in a busy classroom full of five and six year olds and, as you can imagine, there are moments where I need to take a break for a little motivation and positive inspiration. The problem lies in the fact that I can’t just stop teaching my students to have personal time for reflection. So my resolution has been to keep inspiration around myself in various forms. From a positive quote on my laptop background to a book filled with self love poems, adding these simple items and ideas into my surroundings has helped create balance and reduce my stress.

Remember every person’s journey is different but we all need inspiration to help us manifest.

Here are a few affirmations to get your day started: