17 Ways Black Women Can Take Up Space in 2020

I can’t tell you how long it has taken me to reach a point where I feel comfortable being invited to rooms that I feel I don’t belong in. Or how often I find myself pulling up a chair to a table where I have to force a seat. However, at the ripe age of 31, in all of my blackness, it is safe to say “I have arrived”. But the issue is, I still see it. My sistas trying to find ways to soothe over imposter syndrome, asking for advice to overcome it and tips and tricks as if someone else has the answers other than her. You.

And don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I have the answers. But what I have learned is the importance of playing BIG. I’ve created a list of ways that every black girl and woman can take up space and let her presence be felt. After all, you know you’re a bag of chips, plus some mo’! So act like it.

With that being said, I’m just here to remind you to embrace that shit.

Featured Photo Credit: Mama Photog

1. Ask for what you want.

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2. Know your worth, then add tax.

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3.Don't overthink the outcome.


4. Speak up for what you believe in.

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5. Show up as your full self, no matter the setting.

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6. Be proactive and take action.

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7. Don't be a 'yes woman'.

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8. Respectfully address those who interrupt you.

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9. Speak up. Speak clearly.

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10. Don't over-explain yourself.


11. Stop apologizing for every little thing.

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12. Build your own table and bring chairs for others.

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13. Overcome imposter-syndrome.

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14. Remember you're at the table for a reason.


15. Remember who tf you are.

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16. Adopt an "I said what I said" type of attitude.

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17. Grant yourself permission. Stop asking for it.

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Brittney MarshallComment