Treat Yo'Self Girl: Prayer & Meditation


“If I asked you to name all of the things that you love, how long would it take you before you say yourself?”-Anonymous.”

Living in a society where we’re so accustomed to putting our wants/needs last, sometimes we can get so caught up in life, that we forget about the most important person: OURSELVES! We often put ourselves on the back burner so often, and without even a second thought, that one day you can literally sit back and try to think back to the last time you went out on a Saturday night with your friends, took a much needed vacation, ventured out and did an activity that YOU actually wanted to do just for the hell of it. Often times, if we don’t take care of ourselves mentally and physically, stress and just being overworked and straight up tired can have its negative effects on us.

“So the question is, how do I maintain a healthy lifestyle mentally and physically? The answer is simple: TREAT YO’ SELF GIRL! ”

As a Black female trying to live her life to the fullest in the healthiest way, I want to help my fellow brown beauties out on how to lead the healthy lifestyle you deserve:


For my spiritual/religious brown beauties, praying is the first thing that honestly brings you inner peace. Literally giving it all to God or any higher power you believe in, and no longer worrying about it lifts the inner spirit so much that the next day when you wake up, you feel a sense of security and lightness in your soul that cannot be explained. My mother used to always tell me when I was younger, and still to this day, that if you pray about something and still worry about the problem at hand, then you’re not practicing real faith. Pray, let it go, and go to bed.

In the L.A area and need some prayer/healing? ONE Church LA has life changing services every Sunday at 9am, 11am and 1pm, and every Wednesday at 8pm, led by Pastor Toure Roberts and First Lady Sarah Jakes Roberts. For more information about the church and their ministries/events


I know what you’re thinking when you see the word “mediate”: The scene in What’s Love Got To Do With It, when Tina Turner was chanting “Namu Myoho Renge Kyo”. Although that chant is a Buddhist mantra chant, which is good for universal cause and effect, there are other outlets on how to meditate. Meditating is a fantastic way to train the mind to be still, be positive and relax.

Outdoor meditating is always a great release. You’re in tune with nature, your mind and all the sounds of the environment make for a fantastic soundtrack to accompany you in letting go of all the chaos around you.

Many of us just need to relax and mediation brings the peace of mind that is often times slips from our grasps. There are many DVDs and books that are geared towards meditation that can be explored, in order to find out which method works best for you. Prayer and meditate brown beauties! Treat yo’ self girl and stay beautiful!

TREAT YO’ SELF GIRL! A Black Girl Helping Black Girls is a series created by Sharice Bryant that highlights two outlets on how to treat yourself, starting with mental health, and leads into physical health.