Black Fathers Share Their Greatest Lessons in Fatherhood

Being an active black father is a revolutionary act of love. In honor of Father's Day (which is every day), we’re highlighting some of our favorite dads and the greatest lesson they’ve learned from their journey in fatherhood.

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The greatest lesson that fatherhood has taught me is responsibility.

Not only to my daughter, which turned on like a light the second she was born, but also to her mother and myself. @brandichantelle and I weren't yet married when Zora was born and learning what it truly means to be a head of a family has been a hard yet fulfilling course consisting of many lessons. @crsfrncs

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The greatest lesson that fatherhood has taught me is patience.

Patience is key to all of life's riddles. Fatherhood has taught me how to go outside myself & how to genuinely love someone other than myself. @guccique2x

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The greatest lesson that fatherhood has taught me is to be patient and enjoy every moment. @monsieurnoir_5

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The greatest lesson that fatherhood has taught me is that there's no room for failure because you have others depending on your success.

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The greatest lesson that fatherhood has taught me is that kids hardly listen but are always watching. @J_white3