6 Ways to Jumpstart Your Self-Care Routine

Are you feeling run down, exhausted, and overwhelmed by the daily journey of life?  If the answer is yes, then it’s time for you, to make time for you!  Unfortunately a lot of us think self-love/self-care is a selfish act, when in fact it’s a spiritual act. It’s not about pampering yourself to a pedicure or facial, it’s much deeper than that. True self-care is about acknowledging, honoring, caring, loving and nurturing ourselves--- both for our benefit and those we love.

Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare. -Audre Lorde

It sounds so simple and it is, yet most of us make this beautiful action a dreadful task.  We often choose to put other things and people a priority over our own divine temple.  Taking care of ourselves takes mindfulness, commitment and courage. It empowers us to be whole and authentic to our loved ones.  Think of it this way, if you don’t take care of you, you can’t take care of those you treasure. Here are a 6 ways on how to practice self-care:


1. Meditate at least 10-20 minutes a day.

2. Choose behaviors that bring balance both physically & mentally.

3.Remove toxic people and items from your thoughts and life!

4. Pursue creative outlet such as yoga, writing or whatever brings calm and happiness to you.

5. Travel, and visit local museums.

6. Eat clean, live clean